Weight Loss

Best Exercises For Reducing Belly Fat At Home And Expert Tips

One of the greatest positive evolution in the present century of mankind is that many have begun to understand and realize the importance of a healthy body and mind. We have been developing various kinds of workout techniques, diet regimes, and wellness habits that will help us achieve a healthier mind and body. And the stories of “fat to fit” transformations give us endless motivation as well. What is it that comes to your mind when you think of losing weight or burning that extra fat in your body? We’re thinking that the first thing that comes to your mind is the stubborn belly fat. When you lead an unhealthy lifestyle, the excess fat in your body begins to accumulate in almost every region of your body. Among these regions, the fat accumulated around your belly tops the list. And who doesn’t like the idea of slipping into a pair of skinny jeans, isn’t it?

belly fat

On a serious note, having a slender waistline is got to do more with a healthy body. Because researches have it that those who have a larger waistline are the ones who are mainly reported with chronic diseases like heart diseases, some types of cancers, hypertension, high cholesterol, and even diabetes. After reading this if you have started to think that adding some extra crunches will do you the required good—you’re wrong! Doing great numbers, in fact, hundreds of crunches on all days of your workout isn’t going to melt that stubborn belly fat of yours. This is because the spot reduction approach just doesn’t go hand in hand when it comes to belly fat. It simply cannot be considered as a viable approach. If you want to reduce the body fat in your body then you need to adapt to an exercise regime that involves a variety of exercises which is a combination of cardio exercises, core workouts, and strength exercises. So, apart from making tiny lifestyle changes and following a healthy diet routine, or taking good fat burning pills like the phenq, one needs to also learn the right exercises to burn that belly fat away. We’re taking you through a drill of some of the best exercises that will help you reduce your belly at home in the most efficient way. Read on.

  1. Lying Down Leg Raises

Disclaimer: Always consider to do a warm-up routine for ten minutes before you start this exercise. This will help your muscles get warmed up and activate the tissues and cells of the body.

This lying down and doing leg raises exercise targets your upper abs, lower abs, hamstrings, glutes, and quads. To begin this exercise, firstly, lie down with your back on your workout mat. With palms facing the floor, place your thumbs right behind your back flat. Looking at the ceiling above, slowly lift both your legs up. This will engage your core. Consider this as the starting position of this exercise. Now, slowly further raise your legs until they reach a 90-degree angle. Hold for 2-3 seconds and slowly lower your legs down, hold it, and then let them touch the floor. Repeat this 15 times in sets of 3.

  1. Scissor Kicks

This scissor kicks exercise targets the lower and upper abs, hamstrings, glutes, and quads. To begin this exercise, firstly, lie down with your back on your workout mat. Keep your palms beneath your hips. For the starting position of this exercise, you need to lift three things above the ground—your head, legs, and upper back. Now, just like a scissor, lower your left leg just above the ground and raise your right leg little above it (the legs need to have at least a feet of the gap). Do the vice versa and repeat this 12 times in sets of 3. You can take a 20 second break between each set if you are doing this exercise for the first time.

  1. Crunches

This crunches exercise targets your upper and lower abs. To begin this exercise, firstly, lie down with your back on your workout mat. Keep your feet on the ground by flexing your knees. By placing the thumb at the back of each ear, you can hold or grip your head using the other fingers. And lift your head from the floor by doing this. This is going to be the starting position of the crunches exercise. Initiate the exercise by curling up towards trying to touch the knee with your heads. And then go back to the starting position. Inhale when you go up curling and exhale when you get back—follow this breathing drill while doing the exercise. Repeat this 12 times in sets of 2.

  1. Leg Inside Out

This leg inside out exercise targets the lower and upper abs, hamstrings, glutes, and quads. To begin this exercise, firstly, lie down with your back on your workout mat. Lean back a little and lift your legs up in the air. This will be the starting position of this exercise. By tucking both of your legs in bring the upper body closer to the knees. Then go back to your starting point. Do this in repetition for 20 times in sets of 2.

  1. Bicycle Crunches

This bicycle crunches exercise targets the lower and upper abs, hamstrings, glutes, and quads. To begin this exercise, firstly, lie down with your back on your workout mat. By placing the thumb at the back of each ear, you can hold or grip your head using the other fingers. And lift your head from the floor by doing this. This is going to be the starting position of the bicycle crunches exercise. Now curl up your right leg and while doing so keep your left leg straight and extended. Try and touch the right knee with your left elbow. And then return to your starting positing. Repeat this vice versa as well. Keep doing this at least for 12 times in sets of 2. You can take a ten-second break between every rep you intend to do.

  1. Sit-Ups

This sit-up exercise targets your abs, both upper and lower. To begin this exercise, firstly, lie down with your back on your workout mat. Keep your feet on the ground by flexing your knees. By engaging the cores of your body take your hands and place it at the back of your head. This will be the starting position. Now make good use of the core strength of your body and lift it off the floor and arrive at a sitting position. Now go back to your starting position. Do this 12 times in sets of 2.

  1. Heel Touch

This heel touch exercise targets your upper abs and obliques. To begin this exercise, firstly, lie down with your back on your workout mat. Keep your feet wider than the shoulder width on the ground by flexing your knees. Keep your chin up, shoulders relaxed, core engaged, and keep the hands by the side. Now you need to bend sideways and touch the right heel with the right hand. Do the same by trying to touch the left heel with the left hand. Do these for 20 times in sets of 3. You can take a few seconds to break between each rep.

Your belly fat could be a result of many things like bad eating habits, drinking too much beer, or following a lazy lifestyle. Another fun fact is that your belly fat also depends on the function of your hormones. You didn’t know that, did you? So, what we are trying to say is, no matter how you’ve got it, there’s always a right way to deal with it. You could adopt a healthier lifestyle change and deal with it. You could also take supplements like the phen24 that will help increase the metabolism rate of your body so that you are effectively burning fat while you are exercising. You can also do yoga and combat your belly fat. The only thing that you need to remember is that the key to eliminating the belly fat is being consistent with the choices you have made. You can always reward yourself every single time you’ve achieved a milestone in this journey with a sweet treat or maybe even a cheat day. Wishing you all a very happy and healthy belly hereafter!


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