Top Tips For Organising An Alcohol Free Wedding

When it comes to weddings one of the biggest costs is always booze. Open bars are so expensive, and even when it comes to providing table wines it can be costly. Of course, there are many more reasons why you may not want alcohol at a wedding too, particularly these days where there are more … Read more

Exercise Reduces Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes, Studies Show

A meta-analysis revealed that those who are physically active for approximately two hours per week had a 26 percent reduced chance of getting T2 diabetes than people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. A greater amount of physical exercise is related to an even larger decrease in risk. The association between physical inactivity and type 2 … Read more

Adderall and Pregnancy: Can You Take Adderall While Pregnant?

When you first get pregnant, your first question would be whether you can continue taking your prescription medications. And if they would affect your baby’s well being. Such thoughts are stressful. Many individuals use Adderall to help them concentrate and perform well. If you use Adderall to treat your Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), you … Read more

Does Turmeric Help With Weight Loss?

The best way to lead a healthy life is by implementing a healthy lifestyle by ensuring that you are eating nutritious food and doing considerable physical activity to keep those muscles in action. And if you are someone who has already implemented a healthy and nutritious diet and all the other lifestyle changes that serve … Read more

The Best Ways To Exercise Your Stress Away

If you are a normal human being, then stress is definitely a regular part of every day in your life. We all live a life that is extremely fast paced so facing stress and some activity or the other in our everyday life needs to be looked up as a common thing. There are certain … Read more

How To Increase Your Dopamine Levels Naturally


In the human body, many chemicals play a pivotal role. One of these chemicals is dopamine which is naturally produced by the body with the help of a diet full of required nutrients. It is an important chemical for the brain as it helps one to keep motivated, engage in any activity with desired concentration, … Read more

How Much Sugar Can a Person With Diabetes Have?


People who have diabetes have a common question that says, “how much sugar can I consume?” If you have diabetes, people around you might tell you that sugar works like a poison for you. You might have been told to watch your sugar intake. But, does this mean that you can’t ever eat sugar? Well, … Read more

Home Remedies for Managing High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure

Not all illnesses develop with visible signs and symptoms for a person to be able to take necessary actions to counter it – high blood pressure being one such. Many a time the occurrence of high blood pressure goes unnoticed until serious complications befall the person’s health. In extreme cases, unfortunately, it would be too … Read more

How to Increase Stamina Naturally


Stamina is an ability that allows you to do physical activities or mental efforts. It is simply a strength or energy that allows your body to do things energetically and help in being active for a long period. It also can resist or endure discomforts or stress during the activity. Every person needs stamina to … Read more