Signs of an Enlarged Prostate You Should Never Ignore

The prostate gland is found in human beings, particularly in men, and in the lower part located between the bladder and the penis. It is a walnut-sized gland present in the rectum where the gland secretes seminal fluid that nourishes and protects sperm—the male reproductive gland in the human men body system.

The accessory gland is important because its function is to produce a dense form of liquid that enables sperm cells’ movement from the testicles and fluid from other glands and makes up Semen. A healthy prostate man will have problems like urinary incontinence erectile dysfunction.

Enlarged Prostate

These glands produce and contain the fluid that forms a part of Semen, and the substance that emitted during ejaculation as a part of male sexual response is slightly alkaline, milky in appearance. It ensures to keep the required pH in neutralizing the acidity of the vaginal tract and prolongs the lifespan of sperm. The ejaculated sperms, along with prostate fluid, pass through its way due to the prostate’s smooth muscle tissue. The sperms release with the prostate fluid to have better motility, longer survival rate, and better genetic material protection.

The function of the prostate is as follows. Prostate glands’ most important function is the production of a fluid that is further mixed with sperm cells produced by testicles and other fluids from different glands to form clear called Semen. The prostate gland muscles are used to ensure the semen Present in the gland pressed into the urethra and then release outside during ejaculation. This prostate secretes a fluid that becomes a part of Semen, released as a sexual response by male human beings.

Functions of the prostate are as follows

  1. Production of fluid to form semen:

Semen’s one of the parts produced by the prostate gland. Along with this fluid, sperm cells from testicles and fluids from seminal vesicles and other gland named Bulbourethral gland altogether form semen. All these fluids are mixed in the urethra. The fluid from the prostate is important for fertility in men. This liquid contains many enzymes, such as prostate-specific antigen (PSA), making the semen thinner. And a hormonal substance in prostate secretion, namely Spermine, ensures sperm cell motility.

  1. Control the flow during ejaculation:

The semen’s entry to the bladder is blocked by the prostate and through sphincter muscles near the urethra tube as it closes seminal ducts during urination. Mainly the central zone muscles help to close the prostate’s duct during urination so that urine cannot enter the ducts.

  1. Harmonic metabolism:

The male sex hormone testosterone becomes reactive in the biological form in the prostate itself, known as Dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

The prostate gland tissues are divided into three different zones, namely transition zone, Central zone, and peripheral zone

Transition zone

A place inside of the gland, which is the smallest 10% part of the prostate, the space that constitutes between bladder and urethra.

Central zone

The area around the transition zone that covers a quarter part of the total prostate area. Common duct, seminal duct, and seminal vesicles are present in the Central zone. These ducts are an answer called ejaculatory ducts.

Peripheral zone

The prostate gland’s main part covers up to 70% of the prostate’s tissue mass, the largest part of the prostate gland.

A capsule of connective tissues containing management with muscle fibers and elastic connective tissues is surrounded by the prostate gland, making it very elastic to touch. The prostate itself contains many smooth muscle cells inside it. During ejaculation, these smooth muscle cells forcefully press the fluid stored within the prostate out into your urethra.

The transition zone tissues are the main part that tends to undergo Benign growth in older ages, which is also known as Benign Prostate Hyperplasia if the tissues of transition zone increase in such size where it presses against the bladder urethra lead to difficulties in urinating and excretion.

There are some problems with prostate glands that may be harmful to some men.

The most common prostate problems in men are

  • Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
  • Acute Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis
  • Chronic Prostatitis.

The gland grows in size with an increase in the age of the person. There are some issues regarding the enlargement of the prostate gland, which need to be carefully handled because sometimes it may lead to problems. The symptoms of enlargement of the prostate gland are dribbling urine, blood in the semen or urine, inability to urinate, painful ejaculation, pain or burning sensation during urination, and frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back or hips or upper thighs, or rectal area. Prostate problems need more attention because the prostate is the most common cancer among men.

Most of the men above age 50 issues with prostate enlargement. If this prostate gland increases in its size, then it will cause a problem. The prostate gland enclosed under the bladder, beside the rectum, and surrounded by the urethra. This urethra is a hollow tube that carries urine out of the body. When the prostate gland enlarges, it can squeeze or block partially the urethra’s flow, which leads to urinating issues in men. This enlargement of the prostate gland is commonly known as benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). This condition is common in older men, mainly the group between 51 and 80.

There aren’t any particular causes for the enlargement of the prostate gland, but it mainly occurs in older men, and most people believe that it mainly due to the hormone changes while aging. As man’s ages, the production of testosterone decreases and increases in estrogen production, which may trigger the prostate gland’s enlargement. The accumulations of Dihydrotestosterone hormone or DHT continuous even after the testosterone level decreases, which can make the prostate cells continue to grow. Symptoms which indicate the enlargement of prostate glands are

1. Difficulty in urination

As the prostate gland’s size increases, the hollow tube used for sending the urine from bladder to outside is partially blocked or squeezed by this gland as it occupies more space when it enlarges. It leads to difficulty in urination. There will be a problem like having which stream of urine is difficult to postpone urination.

2. Problems with excretion

With the increase in the prostate gland’s size, the person needs to go to the bathroom likely for 2 hours after that person’s finished the last urination. That person will be having difficulty in doing excretion and need to push or strain for it. And there are problems at night of excretion frequently.

3. Blood in urine:

Blood in the urine is one of the problems during enlargement of the prostate gland, .but it can also be a sign of prostate or bladder cancer. Both conditions lead to blood in the urine. Due to the enlarged prostate gland process, the urethra, which leads to irritation in the bladder.

Some research says that BPH has a 50% impact on men between the ages of 51 and 60. And for men age 80 and above, have a prevalence of BPH is 90%. Even though it is not cancer, but it causes serious complications in men. In some cases, there won’t be any symptoms for BPH, and sometimes the symptoms may get worse because of the environmental changes due to physical or emotional stress

This BPH cannot be cute permanently, but there are treatments for reducing the symptoms, making it difficult for men. BHP can be a life-threatening problem. These treatments are based on the symptoms of the patient. The treatment changes with the complication of the symptom like inability to urinate, bladder stones, urinary tract infection, blood in the urine, and surgery for the treatment.

There are treatments like medication or diet changes, such as limiting alcohol or caffeine, reducing BHP symptoms. Normally, the first preference in prostate enlargement treatment is medication, which mainly focuses on relaxing the bladder muscles, muscle fibers in the prostate, and shrinking its size.BHP cannot be taken lightly and should be treated to not lead to prostate cancer or other life-threatening issues.


Many men are suffering from prostate gland enlargement when they reach the age of 50 or above. It may be due to the type of food they consume other factors. The gland enlargement problem shouldn’t be neglected because it can lead to life-disrupting problems such as bladder or kidney infections, urinary blockage, kidney failure, etc.

It is advisable to consult an expert to be treated in its initial stage not to regret later. There are many tests in the medical field to determine the problem in the prostate gland, and with the treatments available such as different therapies and surgeries, the situation and the condition can be treated properly without any future issues.

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