Blood Sugar Formula Review

Issues like high blood sugar levels and high blood pressure have become quite common around the world nowadays. The combined effect of the food we take, our environment, and a lifestyle filled with stress and anxiety, as well as genetic factors are some of the leading causes of the widespread prevalence of these problems. Consulting with the doctors has at most led you to some chemical-filled pills and bits of advice on cutting some food items from your diet. But even they are not permanent, and as a result, the struggle for lowering the sugar levels in your blood has stayed an ever-persistent problem.

So what if the solution to this increasing problem of blood sugar lies not in the usual food and medicines that you are prescribed, but in something as inane as even your refrigerator door?

Well, the company of Pure Health Research certainly does seem to think so, and have brought forward a wonder product for lowering your blood sugar levels with a component that it swears have been kept a secret from you for decades.

Wondering yet as to what the secret component might be?

Yes, the answer to your query is Chromium, a metal not just found in the stainless steel door of your fridge, but almost everywhere in nature. Chromium is present in many food products and fruits as well.

Manufactured in an FDA approved facility, Pure Health Research brings to you the new Blood Sugar Formula dietary supplement. Pure Health Research claims for it to be a potent, efficient, and fast-acting formula that lowers the levels of your blood sugar at a rapid base and also improves the state of your general health while at it. Blood Sugar Formula does not have any adverse effects on your health and is 100 percent naturally made.

If you want to know more about this wonderful dietary supplement for lowering your blood sugar, read on as this review takes you through all the information you need to know.

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How Did The Blood Sugar Formula Come About?

The idea of manufacturing the Blood Sugar Formula was conceived by Brandon Jacobi, who claims that the product saved his wife’s life. As Brandon’s wife was suffering from the same problem with no improvements visible despite taking the prescribed medicines, Jacobi searched for an alternative solution and the Blood Sugar Formula dietary supplement was made in association with the Pure Health Research, who started formulating a new solution for him. As the supplement did wonders for his wife, it was decided to make the product public.

The Blood Sugar Formula supplement is made with 100 percent natural ingredients and works to improve a number of things in your body other than regulating your sugar levels.

About The Blood Sugar Formula Supplement

Blood Sugar Formula is made as a natural alternative to the chemical-laden medications usually prescribed for lowering the blood sugar levels. Even if you see any betterment in your condition, the effects are not permanent and have a lot of adverse side-effects.

It is for this reason that the organic alternatives are preferable to the OTC medications, and the Blood Sugar Formula has proven itself to be quite reliable in this front. Aside from lowering your blood sugar levels, Blood Sugar Formula also helps to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, prevents your internal organs from corroding, and lowers the risk of having cardiovascular diseases, strokes, etc.

It is to be noted here that the Blood Sugar Formula of Brandon Jacobi uses 100 percent natural ingredients for its manufacture and mainly does the work of balancing the insulin level and the fluctuations of the glucose levels in the blood. Blood Sugar Formula does not have any side-effects.

Ingredients Used in the Manufacture of Blood Sugar Formula

blood sugar

Blood Sugar Formula uses the following ingredients in a way that’s completely natural and effective:

  1. Chromium: The ingredient primarily used in the manufacture of the Blood Sugar Formula is Chromium. It is the 24th element in the periodic table and is classified as a metal. The trivalent form of chromium (Cr(III)) is considered as an essential nutrient for human beings for its capacity of metabolizing insulin, sugar, and lipids. It is therefore considered as an important ingredient for helping with diabetes and high blood sugar. The finding that chromium can naturally lessen the level of sugar in blood was first published in a research paper by the National Biotechnology Center of Information.
  2. Juniper Berries: Juniper berries have been known to naturally lower blood sugar levels to a considerable extent.
  3. Vitamin C: Various studies and researches conducted on this subject have proven that Vitamin C is an agent that helps in the lowering of blood sugar levels too.
  4. Vitamin E: Glycemic control is crucial for people having diabetes and high blood sugar levels. Vitamin E has been found to improve the glycemic index of patients having diabetes and is an important ingredient in the Blood Sugar Formula.
  5. White Mulberry Leaf: Mulberry leaf is another ingredient that helps in controlling diabetes, especially Diabetes type 2.
  6. Bitter Melon Extract: Next to Chromium, Bitter Melon forms the second most important component of the Blood sugar Formula as it mimics the role of insulin in your body, and thus helps the cells create energy by bringing glucose molecules to it.

Other than these, there are other components present in Blood Sugar Formula in minute amounts. These are:

  • Magnesium Oxide.
  • Banaba Extract.
  • Licorice Extract.
  • Cinnamon Bark.
  • Gymnema Sylvestre.
  • Yarrow Flowers.
  • Cayenne Fruit.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid and
  • L-Taurine.

Dosage for the Blood Sugar Formula:

The correct dosage for getting the best results is to consume one capsule per day. The capsule must be taken combined with food and 8 oz of water. The product has no side-effects, but if you are suffering from any health complications, consulting with your physician before consuming the supplement is recommended.

Price and Money-Back guarantee

The Blood Sugar Formula dietary supplement has different prices for the individual packages consisting of a single package or a combined pack of two and three. The different price schemes for each package are given below:

The product comes with a money-back guarantee of 1 year and free express delivery within 2 to 5 days.

Blood Sugar Formula reviews

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Blood sugar Formula – Pros & Cons:


  • It stabilizes the level of glucose in your blood. You no longer have to suffer from sudden mid-day crashes or struggle with the virtually incurable type 2 Diabetes. Consuming Blood Sugar Formula gets you towards leading a life free from the clutches of diabetes.
  • Blood Sugar Formula prevents your organs from corroding, which is a typical occurrence among those who suffer from diabetes.
  • Another perk of using the Blood Sugar Formula supplement is having a balanced level of insulin. Suffering from diabetes means your body is no longer capable of producing enough insulin for it to function properly. Blood Sugar Formula has bitter melon extract as one of its components which acts as a replacement for insulin. You can have your own reserve of insulin naturally now by using this product.
  • The ingredients used in Blood Sugar Formula not only lower blood sugar levels but also reduce the chances of you suffering from cardiovascular diseases, which often accompany diseases like diabetes and high blood sugar.
  • Along with a lower level of sugar in your blood, you also have a lower amount of cholesterols when using the Blood Sugar Formula supplement.


  • The product is not available for purchase from popular e-commerce websites and can be accessed only through the official website of its manufacturer. The step has been taken consciously to ensure no fakes are sold and also to maintain the purity of the components used for its manufacture.

Side-effects of Using the Blood Sugar Formula Supplement

The product has been found to have no side-effects as such, although if you are suffering from any health complications, consulting with your physician before consuming the product is recommended.

Customer Reviews

Customers all over the world have glowing reviews for the Blood Sugar Formula supplement. As is evident from the reviews below, some have claimed that the product has kept their A1C levels low while for others, Blood Sugar Formula has miraculously lowered the sugar levels in their blood.

Robert Stockwill from Illinois says using just two bottles of the Pure Health blood Sugar Formula had made his sugar level reading go from 150 to 100 and his A1C level drop by a full 1 and a half points. It is to be noted that our consumer here suffers from Diabetes type 1 and claims to have found the product immensely helpful in controlling his condition.

Charles Westbay from Knoxville, Tennessee, and a sufferer of the type 2 Diabetes has yet another review full of praise where he says using only 1 and a half bottle of Blood Sugar Formula has resulted in his readings to drop to about 90 and 100 as opposed to the 105 to 135 that he had before consumed the Blood Sugar Formula.

Vestergaard Jensen from the United Kingdom says his blood sugar readings have dropped 118 to 108 after using the product for just one month. He suffers from type 2 Diabetes and claims that using Blood Sugar Formula has vastly improved the condition of his lower legs and ends the review with an assurance that he will continue using the product.

The testimonials presented are reviews from actual customers. Results may vary with each individual and is not representative of the general usefulness of the product applied to all.

The Final Verdict: Yay or Nay

Blood Sugar Formula, as is evident from the many reviews, has mostly left a positive impact on its users. A major perk is that the product is 100 percent naturally made with no discernible side effects and can be used for any period of time as is seen fit. It is infused with naturally acting products, especially chromium and bitter melon extracts that not only lowers your blood sugar levels but also act as a natural insulin replica. The combination of the ingredients definitely gives the product an edge over all its contemporaries. If you are looking to reduce your blood sugar levels while also improving your general health and abate the issues that often accompany diabetes, giving this product a try seems to be worth it!

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